Friday, August 30, 2013

Tuesday, August 27th

Tuesday, August 27th. Day 70

Today's miles = 20.4 Total CDT miles = 1049.7

Panama and Beth were camped across from me on a grassy area. They were far enough away not to hear too much noise from them packing up but I still heard enough to know that it was probably time for me to get up too. Last night felt like a late night and I didn't get good sleep so getting up this morning was even harder than usual. Panama and Beth left earlier than us and the pups looked happy and ready for some hiking. They spent the morning playing with each other and chasing each other through the meadow while Panama and Beth were packing up. 

Baboon and I leapfrogged with Panama, Beth, and the pups all morning until lunch. The trail today was by one lake after the next. There are so many lakes nestled in the mountains up here and the trail pretty much goes right next to them. You could swim in each and every one of them. Panama and Beth had taken a dip in Pipstone Lake despite that it was chilly and cloudy. I saw them sitting on a rock next to the lake looking quite cold and wet.

It began to rain around lunchtime but I propped up my umbrella and cooked my broccoli and cheddar rice under it's to a lake. After lunch I began to feel a little sick. I'm not sure what it was. Most of the time out here I don't feel quite right. Hiking like this and eating shit will do that I guess. It took a few miles for me to begin to feel better and to pass the time Baboon and I initiated 'Story Time' - one of us choses a topic or a time period and the other has to tell a story that fits into those categories. Usually a story sparks a conversation and thus the silence is broken and time passes more quickly. Thats exactly how today ended. Baboon got into a long story about India and before we knew it we were at camp for the night. We walked across the creek to cook dinner and hang our food then off to bed!!

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