Today's miles = 18.5
Todays ADK miles = 17
Total ADK miles = 150.3
Last night I slept warm. It was actually very nice down by Long Lake. I woke up starving because I hadn't really eaten dinner or my snacks yesterday. I made a packet of oatmeal and my coffee and was officially out of food. Only 7 miles to 'town'! I packed up rather quickly and was on trail by 7am. Hunger will do that I guess. The morning flew by for me. The trail was nice and easy walking and before I knew it 9:30 had come and so had the road to the town of Long Lake. A man in a pickup stopped to give us a ride and dropped us right off at the post office. I got my resupply box and then headed straight for the only thing in town, the 'Stewart Shop'. It was a little gas station where I got a coffee, a PB&J sandwich and a bagel toasted with peanut butter. Gone...within moments.
I loitered outside an icecream shop and under its awning because it had not yet opened for the season. After about 3 hours of sitting there starring into nothing and feeling the food I had just eaten digest I got a ride back to the trail. The first part of the hike from there was a lot of bog boards, one of which I slipped on and busted up my knee. It's still a bit sore. Shortly after that the big climb of the day started. There was a steep climb that I powered up (even with my heavy and fully resupplied pack). Must have been the bagel...
After that, however, is when I started to feel really ill. I'm not sure if it was the food I ate in town, the sun, or the climb but I began to feel very weak and nauseous. I felt like that the rest of the day to the shelter I am camped at tonight. The shelter is by yet another beautiful lake (with a sandy beach)! I set up the netting of the tent in the shelter tonight because the black flys are beyond horrendous. I also think it may rain tonight.
I tired to eat some food for dinner and ended up munching on a quoina and brown rice meal but I'm still feeling pretty sick. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
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